How does our pricing differ from most Election Inspectors

Our approach to pricing is the same as our approach to HOA member communications -- make it simple and invest in managing successful elections.

Bids - HOA Election Team

Our bids typically include 2 prices. The first is the price of an election that is uncon- tested and doesn't require a ballot, and the second is the extra amount to cover going to full ballot. We never require an HOA to opt in to one vs the other.

Bids - other

Many of our competitors require the board to select from several election scenarios and try to predict what will happen, and then to find the most benefitial product. On top of that, these inspectors add to the cost all materials, including postage, copies for each sheet of paper, envelopes, etc. These costs end up hitting the HOA at the end of the election. 

Extra ballots - us

It's not unusual that some homeowners will lose their ballots, or a mailing address has changed. Our practice is to print and mail replace- ments, at no cost to the HOA.

Extra ballots - others

Replace- ment ballots add to the HOA cost, with each additional piece of paper (copies), each envelope, and each stamp being billed to the HOA.

Hitting quorum - us

It's unusual for ballots we run to not achieve quorum on the first round, but when that happens, the solution is to perform an additional mailing, extend the ballot, which lowers the quorum bar. We charge nothing to the HOA for this - not for our time, not for materials.

Hitting quorum - others

Extending the ballot timing requires an additional mailing to the entire HOA member- ship. Some other election inspectors will charge extra to manage this process, as well a charging the HOA for all materials used in the additional mailing.

Why is matters

We started this business to help HOAs with their elections, and we believe in charging a fair price that is pinned to running successful elections. We are not interested in profiting from markups in envelopes, copies and stamps, or in charging HOAs the state sales tax for these materials. 

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